“The Road to Secession”
A Civil War Sesquicentennial Event
December 1 - 5, 2010
POC Mark K. Vogl (903) 725-3175
THE ROAD TO SECESSION is one of the first national events of the American Civil War Sesquicentennial. It will be held in early December at Camp Gilmont, in northeast Upshur County, Texas. The event will feature both an academic symposium and a Living History event and will address the question: Why did the good and Christian people of the South choose Secession in 1860-61?
THE ROAD TO SECESSION is being organized by the Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Army of the Trans Mississippi, Sons of Confederate Veterans. It is our intention to invite school children from the Ark-La-Tex to attend the Living History event on December 2 and 3, and open to the general public on December 4 and 5.
THE ROAD TO SECESSION COMMITTEE is working hard to attract qualified and proven re-enactors to perform the roles of as many of the key personalities in ante-bellum period as possible. We hope to have John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, Col. Robert E. Lee, Stephen Douglas, Dred Scott, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Horace Greeley Rafael Semmes and many more. Our belief is that if people can see and hear the arguments and news of the day, they will be more informed as to why Secession was chosen by the people of the South. Our goal is to provide an open forum for all sides so that attendees can gain an appreciation for the views of all.
THE ROAD TO SECESSION Academic Symposium (December 1 – 4) will provide a venue for college professors, authors, historians and students to once again consider the history of our nation during this most crucial period. If you wish to participate and submit a paper please contact us.
THE ROAD TO SECESSION COMMITTEE believes that the broader the range of attendees the better. Crisis and conflict, violence and social forces combined to lead our nation down a road which eventually led to secession. President Lincoln chose war as the northern response. To truly understand the period and the decisions of the people involved, one must explore the many sides of the times.
THE ROAD TO SECESSION COMMITTEE seeks contributors. We need to raise funds, to attract qualified academicians, and qualified and practiced re-enactors. We need to promote and advertise the event across the nation. Make checks payable to Upshur County Patriots, RTS. All donations are tax deductible and we can provide a tax ID No..
Make checks payable to Upshur Patriots RTS and mail to P.O. Box 1433, Lindale, Texas 75771
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