Confederate Christians and fellow Compatriots:
Below is my message for Sunday, August 8th. Please feel free to forward or reply. Your comments are always welcome.
May God bless you all in His service and in service to our just and most worthy Southern Cause.
Brother Len Patterson, Th.D
Chaplain, Army of Trans-Mississippi
Start Over!
Our country is on the road to ruin because it has turned it's back on God and made immorality and sin normal and acceptable. We have turned from the faith of our founding fathers, and are following the ways of the unrighteous. As a country, we seem to think we can change our direction without changing our ways. This country does not need changing, remodeling, or renovation. It needs restoration. This country has jumped the track and lost it's way. We need to clean house and start over.
Let's face it. We could all stand a little improvement. There are things we could do to make life better for ourselves, as well as those around us. Perhaps it's time for a little self evaluation, and resolve to make some changes. However, there are times when change may not be enough. Sometimes we need to stop what we are doing and the way we are doing it, and just start over.
This is what God did as recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis. God had created man, but after about sixteen hundred years, man had become totally wicked. We are all familiar with the story of Noah and his ark. Mankind had become so evil and unchanging that God decided to wipe the slate clean and start over.
And what of our Confederation? Are we being faithful to the Charge handed to us over a hundred years ago? Are we moving forward in the direction of honoring our brave Confederate forefathers and the Cause for which they gallantly fought? If so, then why are we further from our destination today, than we were fifty years ago? I know we have oppressors, and they have gotten stronger and more aggressive over the years. But, why haven't we gotten even stronger and even more aggressive?
Perhaps we need to be mindful of why the Sons of Confederate Veterans was founded. Perhaps we need to remember the importance of our roots and our mission. Perhaps we need to reunite as a band of brothers shoulder to shoulder in the front line trenches. Perhaps it's time to quit trying to be nice guys and get offended. Perhaps it's time to get mad at those who would dishonor our Confederate ancestors, and start over.
Sometimes people need a new beginning for themselves. If you're a Christian, but don't feel as close to God as you once did, you can start over. Just turn around, He's not as far away as you may think. In Acts 17: 27, the Apostle Paul states that God is "not far from every one of us."
To those who have not committed their life to Jesus Christ, God promises a new beginning. In 2 Corinthians 5: 17, the Scripture says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." So, if life seems to have gotten out of hand and you need a new beginning, just turn to Christ, receive Him as Lord, and start over.
Bro. Len Patterson, Th.D
Chaplain, Army of Trans-Mississippi
The Army of Trans Mississippi, Sons of Confederate Veterans publishes the ATM Sunday Message every Sunday morning. We are so lucky to have Dr. Len Patterson as our Chaplain in the ATM.