Sunday, October 31, 2010

ATM Sunday Message for October 31,2010

Confederate Christians and fellow Compatriots:

 Below is my message for Sunday, October 31st.  Please feel free to forward or reply.  Your comments are always welcome.   You are also encouraged to use this or any of my messages in your camp or other newsletter.
May God bless you in His service and in service to our most worthy Cause.

Bro. Len Patterson, Th.D
Chaplain, Army of Trans-Mississippi
Member, Chaplain's Corps Committee
                                               You've Got Mail!

I have, on a few occasions, received letters that blessed me so much or I thought to be so important, that I not only saved them, but put them in frames. Last week I received such a letter, and although it is addressed to me, it's content is intended for every member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. So, I'd like to take this time to share it with you and hope it blesses you as much as it did me.

A copy of the letter is attached and since it may be difficult to read, I typed the content below exactly as it appears in the letter. You may notice it took a while to reach me.

                         28 October

To Dr L E "Len" Patterson
Chaplain of members of
Trans-Mississippi and colleagues

It was delightful to receive your
sympathy card, combined with
Birthday Greetings. Thank you
very much indeed and my best
wishes to you all.
     Thank you very much and
may God Bless you all.
                       Arthur John
                       (a s of cv)

What makes this letter such a blessing is the person who wrote it. Arthur John is a member of our SCV camp in Australia. He is a Real Son, and at 105 years old, he is the eldest living member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. It should also be noticed that he is a Godly man.

Consider for a moment the Scriptures. It was common, particularly in the Old Testament, for the eldest member of a family to bless the younger members. In Genesis 14: 19 we find that the elder Melchizedek, the oldest living man on earth at the time, blessed Abraham. This blessing is also mentioned in Hebrews 7:1.

Arthur John ended his letter with, "and may God bless you all." Brothers and fellow compatriots, we, the Sons of Confederate Veterans, have been blessed by our oldest living member. The elder has blessed the younger, and we are indeed blessed.

                                                Brother Len Patterson, Th.D
                                          Chaplain, Army of Trans-Mississippi

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